Thursday, July 28, 2016

A Lazy Project

July had just arrived and I and my friends were being lazy about the due report of SPSS. A day before we were busy dumping the work on each others head but the next day we were rushing to beat the past deadline. We always had the habit of testing our skills at the last hour. But this time, it was already past the given date and half of our group didn't have any clue about the work. On the last day of June 4 of us decided to gather in the college to complete our project and dare it to submit to the faculty.

July 1st started with a continuous rain without any sign of stoppage. Half of us were already deciding to quit the task and calculating the percentage that it would effect on our grades. If we didn't submit that we would be the only group to go against the odds. The rain was involuntarily pulling off our interest from the due assignment. We were just pushing the time to meet up for the project just because the rain was not stopping and our interest on that project was also decreasing. Time was passing and the rain was not going to stop. We were still in our place waiting for the rain to stop and do the formality of assignment. At a moment the rain seemed to be light and I urged my friends to meet up for the completion of the project. I took my bag and rushed wearing a raincoat. My friend picked me up on the way and we all met at the college, all kissed by rain. Without wasting any time, we went to the computer lab and started diving the project. One of our friend luckily had the copies of the report of one of the other groups. Four of us quickly paraphrased our parts. However it took a bit more time than we thought. Copying from others work seemed to be really difficult than doing it by ourselves, but what can one do when he has no other alternatives. We worked for a couple of hour to finish our work and I merged everyone's hard work in to single report. We had a final look at the work before the submission and gave a touch to make it appealing. We even added a "Letter of Appreciation" to persuade our faculty as an excuse for late submission and a perfect 100% marks. We rushed towards the stationary and printed a copy of the report and went towards the faculty's office. We were surprised to see how easily our faculty accepted our report. We didn't get to explain our ready-made excuses for the late submission.

The rain had finally decreased to what we could now resist. We were ready to move toward our place and everyone didn't want to leave for home that soon. I had my Shisha on my bag and everyone agreed going Bhaisepati. We wasted no time and moved for Bhainsepati. Bhainsepati is like a countryside away from the valley and a good place to hangout. We reached the place in about 15 minutes on bike. I was on the back seat of my friend's motorbike and could feel the droplets of rain on my face. The road was all wet because of long rain. As soon as we reached the place I took off my glasses to clear off the rain drops on it. And that is when I took that beautiful picture. Four of us reached the place and ordered the food as rats were increasing their speed on our stomach. I took out the Shisha bag and started preparing one. The weather was cool and we were smoking the mint flavor Sisha. We always took our own Shisha for a long travel considering its availability and price. We asked the waiter to bring our foods with ease to enjoy the smoke of Shisha more. We kept on smoking, charcoals were changed, flavors were added and smokes were made. We discussed about girls, our lives and about our semester-break vacation plans. We stayed at that place for nearly 3 hours. And after everyone had enough of the place and the Shisha we decided to leave the place and returned back. .

A week or two after the submission of the project, we had to meet our faculty for our internal grades. Unfortunately he wasn't available, but we saw some project papers lying outside his office. Those papers were already marked therefore we picked them up and started to look at others mark. My eyes went towards a nicely designed report paper. That front page had good calligraphy and the content was also okay I guess. We were scared that we would score less too. All of us started searching for our assignment and expecting an average marks. When three of us were scared as hell about our grade, the fourth one gave us a sly look. He had our report on his hand and our very 100% marks too.  

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