Saturday, December 31, 2016

कहानी फेरि उनको।।।

I usually don't write in Nepali but one of my friend suggested to try something. Below is the piece I came up with. It's again not fictional, and might be connecting dots in anyone's life. (Please ignore the mistakes in Nepali language) CHEERS!!!

बाेल्न त त्यही "hi"बाट सुरु भाको हो ।
उनले नि झट्ट reply दिइन ।
खुसी थिये घेरै पछि कोही राम्रीसगँ बोलियो भनेर ।
सुरुमा मजाक गरेर बोल्थ्ये, उनी पनि त्यसरी नै जवाफ फर्काउथिइन।
थाहा नपाइ दुई दिनको मजाक तिन महिनाको मित्रतामा पुग्यो ।
नजिक उनि भइन जब उनले आफनो सारा past मलाई सुनाइन । मख्ख थिये म उनको दिनैपिछेको कुरा सुनेर ।
सायद स्वर नै मिठो हुन पर्छ उनको कुरामा ध्यान जान्थ्येन । झन उनको स्वरमा गितको त के कुरा गरौ म, त्यस मै मस्त हराउने बानी थ्यो मेरो । 
पहिला त राम्री मात्र लाग्थ्यो पछि माया नि पलाउन थालेको रहेछ ।
आफनो माया आफु सगैँ सँगालेर राखे ।
मायालाई मित्रता माथी कहिल्यै आउन दिईन ।
माया त पलाएकै थियो, मैले उनलाई मेरो गमलामा सारिसकेको थिए। सायद उनको गमलामा मैले ठाउँ पाईन ।
For people who didn't get a bit of above in this language, I tried to translate it in English. Above writing isn't that good and the translation might not be that good too. 

It started from the usual "hi".
She replied back quick unlikely other girls.
I was happy to talk with someone beautiful.
Our talks always had shitty jokes and random useless things.
The ice breaking usual "hy" was successful to stretch the conversation to 3 months.
She let me in her space when she shared all of her past to me. I was happy listening to her daily.
Her voice must have been so sweet that I didn't even care sometimes what she was talking about for hours.
The songs in her voice sounded even sweeter as I would lost in it every time she sang for me.
I didn't even know how the feelings grew for her inside my heart.
I kept my feelings within myself.
Never let my feelings overtake our sweet friendship.
The feelings grew enormous inside me. I had already started making a space for her in my heart. I guess the space in her was still not vacant. 

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